Call for Industry Day Presentations


The Industry Day of ECIR 2024 will be held on Thursday March 28th 2024 in Glasgow, United Kingdom, immediately after the main conference program. Our goal is to bring together practitioners and researchers in the Information Retrieval domain to promote knowledge sharing and innovation across academia and industry.

The theme of the ECIR 2024 Industry day will be: “Where recommendation meets search”. Having largely evolved as separate research fields, there is substantial overlap in application areas between the two domains (recommender systems and information retrieval), as well as the methods that are used under the hood in real-world systems.

We are looking to promote further cross-pollination between these two research fields by sharing practitioner experiences and insights of where they align, and where they differ. Applications may cover search or recommendation systems in various domains (e-commerce, vertical search, etc) and modalities (voice, music, images, etc). 

Similarly to previous years, we also encourage presentations of research works carried out during student internships and showing how interns contributed impact on real-world products with innovative ideas.

Submissions about topics relevant to ECIR in general are encouraged. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

  • User aspects, including information interaction, contextualisation, personalisation, simulation, characterisation, and behaviours;
  • System and foundational aspects, including retrieval models and architectures, content analysis and classification, recommendation algorithms, query processing and ranking, efficiency and scalability;
  • Machine learning, deep learning and neural models, natural language processing, and graph models applied to information retrieval, recommender systems and interaction;
  • Conversational search systems, focusing on natural language understanding and generation, dialogue management, multimodal interaction, and user engagement in search processes;
  • Explainability methods, addressing the transparency, interpretability, and accountability of AI-driven systems, particularly for information retrieval, recommendation, and personalisation;
  • Applications, such as web search, recommender systems, web and social media apps, professional and domain-specific search, novel interfaces to search tools, intelligent search, and conversational agents;
  • Evaluation, including new metrics and novel methods for the measurement and evaluation of retrieval systems, users, and/or applications.
  • Social and technical challenges, such as bias, ethics, fake news and hate speech, IR-focused trustworthy & explainable AI methodologies and techniques.

Accepted industry track contributions will be presented at the Industry Day, and the corresponding proposal will be published as a 4-page (excl. references) scientific paper, detailing the presentation and its contributions, in the official ECIR 2024 proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals are limited to 4 pages, excluding references. Proposals should include:

  • Title, abstract, contents of the work.
    • Submissions should focus on business and product context, as well as the solutions that were deployed and the research that went into it.
    • We particularly encourage authors to include practical lessons learned.
  • A short CV of the presenter(s) (up to 150 words)
  • A short description of the company (up to 100 words)

There will be a lightweight evaluation procedure where the main focus will lie on the interest for the ECIR audience and the cross-over between academia and industry.

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word (to be found at, for the preparation of their papers.  Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers (

All submissions must be written in English. All papers should be submitted electronically through the EasyChair submission system (

A 4-page (excl. references) scientific paper of accepted proposals (excl. CV and company description) will be published in the conference proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The corresponding author of each accepted paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the paper has been submitted, changes relating to its authorship cannot be made. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the conference. Accepted presentations/extended abstracts will have to be presented in-person at the conference – and at least one author will be required to register.

Ethics and Professional Conduct

ECIR 2024 expects authors (as well as the PC, and the organising committee) to adhere to accepted standards on ethics and professionalism in our community, namely:

The ACM’s Policy Against Harassment.

Important dates

  • Deadline for proposal submission: November 9, 2023, 11:59 pm (AoE)
  • Notification: December 14, 2023
  • Industry day: March 28, 2024

Industry Day Chairs

  • Olivier Jeunen (ShareChat, United Kingdom)
  • Isabelle Moulinier (Thomson Reuters, USA)
